[Post-event] HKPC INC - Promoting the development of hydrogen energy industry in Hong Kong

【HKPC INC – Promoting the development of hydrogen energy industry in Hong Kong】

HKPC held the "HKPC INC - Promoting the development of hydrogen energy industry in Hong Kong", invited round table of expertise and business representatives from the hydrogen energy industry to study and discussed the development of hydrogen energy in Hong Kong. Our CEO Dr. Lawrence Cheung and General Manager Mr. Allan Lai was invited to share the "Hong Kong Hydrogen Energy Economic Development Report and Questionnaire Survey Results".

In this year the government released the "Hong Kong Roadmap on Popularisation of Electric Vehicle" and the "Hong Kong Climate Action Plans 2050", which all reflect that hydrogen energy will be an important direction for future energy consumption and transformation. The rise of the hydrogen energy industry has brought opportunities for production, transportation, storage and application of hydrogen energy.

APAS will continue to promote the hydrogen energy industry and keep up with the development trend of hydrogen energy in the future. If you are interested, please remember to pay attention to our official page.